
Facebook 250-938-3114
Feed Enderby District - About

FED (Feed Enderby & District) is a food bank serving Enderby, BC and the nearby rural area.  Our mission is to provide food to people and families who are food-insecure, who may be hungry, or unable to put nutritious food on the table.  Some food recipients have a short-term problem, loss of a job, sickness, an unexpected move... and need temporary help to get them through a rough spot. Others have longer-term needs.  Whatever the need, people at FED will do their best to help.

During a typical year, FED serves about 1200 households.  About 120 households (including around 220 people) collect food in any given month.

At present, FED distributes most of each month's food during two distribution days.  In between, we provide emergency hampers for people with sudden unforeseen needs on a limited basis.

What is distributed?

In a typical month there will be:

  • fresh produce (for example potatoes, carrots, apples, onions)
  • dairy (milk, cheese, margarine . . .) and eggs
  • meat (frozen)
  • dry staples (rice, flour, oatmeal, pasta, sugar)
  • canned goods (soups, vegetables, tomato sauces, baked beans/beans, tuna, fruit . . .)
  • bread/buns/baked goods
  • personal hygiene items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, toilet paper, soap . . .)
  • miscellaneous shelf to choose items from (mostly donated items)
  • pet food (portions) for at-risk animals 

The amount of food received depends on household size. It's usually enough food for about ten days, so it's a supplement to food that recipients buy, grow or receive elsewhere.

We strongly encourage people not to wait until they are in desperate need before coming to the food bank. If you would like to become part of the FED community, all you need to do is call for an appointment. The phone (250-938-3114) is monitored 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, Monday through Friday(not to include holidays). We'll talk over your situation, and together we'll make a plan.

The food that FED distributes is all provided by donors in the community. We particularly welcome cash donations, because we can buy exactly what we need when we need it, and get it at good prices.  But we also gratefully receive food we receive from fundraisers, food-drives, and individual donors. So many people in the community have pulled together to make FED work. Donors can be confident that they are making a real difference to people right here in the Enderby area.

Our Board

Jocelyne Baker, President

Daniela Bruns, Vice-President

Earl Shipmaker, Treasurer

Jackie Pearase, Secretary

Cherrie Barlow, Director

Jacob Moriarty, Director

Tanya Carre, Director

Ken Finstad, Director


Cassie Sorensen, Director of Operations

Contact Us:

102 - 907 Belvedere
Enderby BC V0E 1V0


Created By Erica Lahoda Web Girl